"A Week in the Road" Why did LG, Yum Geolliang send a long text message to "Captain"

"A Week in the Road" Why did LG, Yum Geolliang send a long text message to "Captain"

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LG Twins manager Yeom Kyung-yeop sent a lengthy text message to Kim before the start of the week. The move was aimed at reminding the team of its importance once again.

"It's always been a crisis, but even within that crisis, there is another crisis to be pursued. In the beginning, when it falls below 50 percent, if it falls further behind, it doesn't have the strength to rebound," Yeom said. "This time, I think we have to endure here to see if we compete with the top team or if we compete with the fourth or fifth place."
Yeom's plan is to conclude the six consecutive games with four wins and two losses in the last week of June. For now, he ended the three consecutive games with two wins and one loss. The result was determined by the results of away games against NC and Changwon.

Coach Yeom Kyung-yeop sent a lengthy text message to Kim before kick-off this week. The move was aimed at reminding the team of its importance once again.

"I talked with (Kim) Hyun-soo and the coaching staff, thinking that I have to win four games and lose two games somehow," Yeom said. "I think I sent the longest text message to Hyun-soo this year."

Coincidentally, Kim showed symptoms of enteritis before the game on Wednesday, and took rest. At the game on Tuesday, he played as a pinch hitter and played left fielder and first baseman, but failed to prevent his team from losing the game.

Coach Yeom Kyung-yeop pointed out the importance of the captaincy. "Hyun-soo and I talk a lot through text messages rather than words. If there is a message (to the team), the captain's message can be delivered rather than my own," Yeom said. "What I do can be coercion, but what Hyun-soo does helps create a certain atmosphere voluntarily. That's why the role of the captain is important. Especially to me, the role of the captain is very important."

Kim, who came to LG as a free agent in 2018, was a leader who led young players in his team into words and actions as soon as he transferred to the team. Kim never hesitates to criticize younger players in the dugout or clubhouse.

He served as captain from the 2019 season to the 2021 season. Then, he wore the armband again this year. Oh Ji-hwan, the captain for the past three years, has resigned as captain. Then, manager Yeom Kyung-yeop asked Kim to return to the captaincy after three years.

With the loss on the day, LG had 44 wins, 35 losses and two draws. The outcome of an away game in Changwon has become more important. Attention is focusing on how LG will perform and end June under Kim Hyun-soo's leadership. 메이저사이트

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